Fyrstikkalleen 17 Oslo

Fyrstikkalleen 17 Oslo

Seltor AS has been responsible for the rehabilitation of Fyrstikkalleen 17 in Oslo. The project in Fyrstikkalleen includes the old match factory with buildings from 1937. Rehabilitation of the lower ground floor, levels 1 to 3, and a new building on the 4th floor have been completed. Levels 2 to 4 have been converted into 39 apartments and the Fyrstikkalleen school is located on the 1st floor. The underground parking basement is shared with Grenselunden - another Seltor project that was completed in the autumn of 2018.



Fyrstikkalleen 17 Eiendom AS



5.300 m²


Completed 2019


115 million

Fyrstikkalleen has a listed facade and the City Antiquities Agency has set strict guidelines for the appearance of windows, among other things.

Both renovated windows and new windows have been used with a contemporary look for the era in which the building was built.

A new basement area has been established in connection with the establishment of an entrance area and basement access for homes.

The apartments were handed over in early September 2019 and the school in November 2019.

At the end of the project, the rest of Grønnvoll Torg will also be completed.