HSE is a major focus in the company
Our employees are our greatest resource. Seltor has an extremely flat organization that sees the individual and cultivates talent and commitment. We are proud to boast an extremely stable and loyal workforce, with several of our employees having up to 40 years' seniority in the company. A flat organization with high ceilings means that Seltor is characterized by an environment where everyone wants to share their experience and knowledge with colleagues. The organization, with continuous exchange of experience, provides the best solutions for the customer and ensures high-quality delivery.
Seltor offers its employees continuous career development, where the individual has a great deal of opportunity to influence the path he or she wants to develop or the tasks he or she wants to perform
It is important to us that our employees thrive and that they feel safe in the workplace. Nothing is more important than that those who work with us are safe and that everyone has a good physical, psychosocial and organized working environment. We are therefore pleased to be able to present very good accident/injury statistics for the last 12 months: H1 value = 0 and H2 value = 1. Sickness absence averaged 3.8% last year.
Seltor wants to cultivate diversity with equality and mutual respect regardless of age, race, gender, drawing, skin color, nationality, ethnicity or religion
We want to be a pioneering company in terms of HSE, and we impose the same strict requirements on all our subcontractors and partners. HSE priorities and management systems must be the same at all our construction sites.
Health: physical and mental work environment, injuries, wear and tear and illness
A good physical and psychological working environment are factors that contribute to positive attitudes and promote health. Ergonomics is an important focus area for preventing injuries. It is necessary for everyone to have access to the necessary aids so that employees avoid unfortunate physical strain.
The employees have a clear voice through Seltor's working environment committee (AMU).
All employees are covered by personal insurance, occupational injury insurance and health insurance.
Since 2018, Seltor has chosen to support the Mental Health Helpline, because "people's mental health is important - in everyday life and in working life".
Environment: external environmental conditions, emissions and waste
Any impact on the external environment that may be affected by our operations must be minimized. Planning and mapping of environmental aspects is therefore important prior to and during the execution of a project, so that we can prevent accidents.
Safety and security
Seltor has a "zero vision" for injuries to personnel and the environment. This means that we must keep a strong focus on HSE and work systematically and continuously to become even better.
To ensure safety in the workplace, it is important to be at the forefront. We must therefore be good at planning with risk assessments, training and a strong focus on safety with good security measures and tidy workplaces. We have a separate system for reporting all undesirable incidents with follow-up (RUH). RUH are continuously reported upwards in the organization.