Our work with the Transparency Act
Factlines confirms that Seltor AS with organization number (Org.nr: 915617344) actively works with fundamental human rights and decent working conditions in its own operations and supply chain. Siri Engesæth, CEO of Factlines.
Mapping of suppliers
Every year, we collect information from our suppliers through Factlines software. The self-reporting is based on the UN Global Compact and the OECD Guidelines for Responsible Business Conduct and is in line with the due diligence process required by the Transparency Act.
- Corporate social responsibility, strategy and policies
- Supply chain: monitoring, insight and control
- Risk and due diligence assessments
- Land risk
- Management systems in the business
- Working conditions and rights
- Ethnic groups and the environment
- Conflict minerals
- Anti-corruption

Our work with the Norwegian Transparency Act
Factlines confirms that Seltor AS, with organization number (Org.nr: 915617344), actively works to protect fundamental human rights and decent working conditions in its own enterprise and supply chain.
Mapping of suppliers
Every year we collect information from our suppliers through the Factlines' software. The self-assessment is based on the UN Global Compact and the OECD's guidelines for responsible business conduct and aligns with the due diligence assessment process required by the Norwegian Transparency Act.
- CSR - strategy and guidelines
- Supply chain: follow-up, insight and control
- Risk assessment and Due Diligence procedures
- Country risk
- Corporate management systems
- Labor rights
- People and environment
- Conflict minerals
- Anti-bribery and corruption