Our work with the Norwegian Transparency Act. Our work with the Norwegian Transparency Act

We have been awarded Factline's Transparency Act Verification Mark. This is a confirmation that we as a company respect human rights and work to create good working conditions for ourselves and our supply chain.

Our work with the Transparency Act

Factlines confirms that Seltor AS with organization number (Org.nr: 915617344) actively works with fundamental human rights and decent working conditions in its own operations and supply chain. Siri Engesæth, CEO of Factlines.

Mapping of suppliers

Every year, we collect information from our suppliers through Factlines software. The self-reporting is based on the UN Global Compact and the OECD Guidelines for Responsible Business Conduct and is in line with the due diligence process required by the Transparency Act.

The self-reporting includes the following topics:

  • Corporate social responsibility, strategy and policies
  • Supply chain: monitoring, insight and control
  • Risk and due diligence assessments
  • Land risk
  • Management systems in the business
  • Working conditions and rights
  • Ethnic groups and the environment
  • Conflict minerals
  • Anti-corruption
The data collection provides a basis for assessing whether good practices have been established to comply with the Transparency Act, Section 5 of the Public Procurement Act and the company's own contractual provisions.
The survey covers direct suppliers and the manufacturer/production site, and collects information about their routines and procedures for monitoring the entire supply chain.
Information related to risks in production countries is based on several sources, including ITUC (The International Trade Union Confederation) on labor rights and Transparency International (corruption index).
Furthermore, conditions relating to labor rights, anti-corruption and whether the suppliers themselves have carried out self-reporting, improvement projects and/or inspections at the production site are mapped. We also assess whether suppliers have established routines for quality, health and safety, the environment and corporate social responsibility.
Our suppliers have been made aware of our Code of Conduct and must deliver goods and services that are produced in accordance with it. They are also required to communicate and follow up on the guidelines with their subcontractors.
If self-reporting or other indicators indicate deviations, these are followed up with the supplier in question. The purpose is to be able to prevent and reduce negative consequences in collaboration with the supplier and other actors in the supply chain.



Our work with the Norwegian Transparency Act

Factlines confirms that Seltor AS, with organization number (Org.nr: 915617344), actively works to protect fundamental human rights and decent working conditions in its own enterprise and supply chain.

Mapping of suppliers

Every year we collect information from our suppliers through the Factlines' software. The self-assessment is based on the UN Global Compact and the OECD's guidelines for responsible business conduct and aligns with the due diligence assessment process required by the Norwegian Transparency Act.

The self-assessment includes the following topics:

  • CSR - strategy and guidelines
  • Supply chain: follow-up, insight and control
  • Risk assessment and Due Diligence procedures
  • Country risk
  • Corporate management systems
  • Labor rights
  • People and environment
  • Conflict minerals
  • Anti-bribery and corruption
The data collection provides a basis for evaluating whether a good practice has been established to comply with the Norwegian Transparency Act, the Norwegian Public Procurement Act Section 5, and the enterprise's own contract provisions.
The mapping applies to direct suppliers and producers/production sites and gathers information about their routines and procedures to follow up the entire supply chain.
The information on risk in production countries is based on several sources, including ITUC (The International Trade Union Confederation) on labor rights and Transparency International (corruption index).
Furthermore, matters surrounding employment rights, anti-corruption, and whether the suppliers have carried out self-reporting, improvement projects and/or inspections at the production site are surveyed. It also examines whether the suppliers have established routines for, among other things, quality, health and safety, the environment, and social responsibility.
We inform our suppliers about our ethical guidelines and require that they deliver goods and services produced in line with these guidelines. They are also required to communicate and follow up the guidelines with their subcontractors.
If the self-assessment or other indicators indicate deviations, these are followed up with the supplier in question. The purpose is to prevent and reduce adverse impacts in cooperation with the supplier and other participants in the supply chain.


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